The Heritage Bureau

Getting started

Structured planning, developing or enhancing a heritage project

Grant applications

In-depth support for preparing tailored grant applications, or fast-track critical reviews of your draft bid

Comprehensive review and organisational change

Heritage acquisitions

Fronting applications with confidential research, bidding and negotiation

Project viability

Fund-raising, business planning and loan financing


Mitigating damage and moving positively forward in challenging situations


Jane Stancliffe is an experienced heritage professional who can advise, mentor or carry out related work in support of your heritage project.

She offers a personalised and discreet service and brings a substantial knowledge of all aspects of the UK heritage to her work.

Her expertise extends across the sector including: museums and galleries, historic buildings and environment, places of worship, countryside and rural environment, urban parks and townscapes, libraries and archives, industrial heritage, oral history, local and hidden histories.

Her services are designed to assist a range of potential clients including: owners and managers of heritage assets and places, including local authorities, funders of the UK heritage, and statutory organisations and government departments with a heritage remit.

Jane’s advice and support will help you ensure that the way forward is clear, that the right solution is put in place and that a high quality result can be achieved.

Jane Stancliffe

The Heritage Bureau
54 Warwick Square, London SW1V 2AJ
T +44 (0)20 7931 8400
M +44 (0)7710 505 560


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